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Une fille comme moi
Je t'aime plus que hier, moins que demain ♥
Welcome to the blog of a 17yearoldgirl, where she posts her mindless musings and ramifications.
This is extremely private;
cos this is where she dreams, sleeps and cries.
She lives.
"We can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences.
but our innocence goes awfully deep,
and our discreditable secret is that we don’t know anything at all,
and our horrid inner secret is that
we don’t care that we don’t."
worst wednesdae ever!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006, 6:40 PM
wah lauu...dis is e worst wed i eva experienced. 1st thing in e morning---maths test. den ltr immediately followed by sc SPA test, n den a recess n chinese test. okie u might tink dat SPA dun really needa study but still...it's 3 consecutive tests in a row k?! den after dat when i go 4 french class still haf a french tests.

i feel lyk puking after all these tests...the french test only give us 15 minutes. n ask u 2 change n rewrite a lonnng passage full of complicated words n den still mus do a lot of other questions besides e rewriting one. we nid time 2 process e french words in our brains b4 correcting n changing e passage n den taking time 2 rewrite it lorx. den we still dun even haf time 4 other questions...it's so outrageous. n ridiculous. n den i feel terrible bout maths...i haf dis feeling dat i may jus pass it or get 30+ only...sighh so scary!! T_T hate it hate it...everything is jus so damn messy now. bleh...gaarhh i jus feel lyk tearing my hair out n explode!!!

say it with music
Monday, February 20, 2006, 7:52 PM
songs to describe mii(typed according from the one i lyk most 2 e one i lyk ok)

1) reflection by christina aguilera
2) how could this happen to me by simple plan
3) welcome to my life by simple plan
4) where is the love by black eyed peas
5) nobody's home by avril lavigne
6) shut up by simple plan (only when i'm feeling fed up of my parents etc etc)
7) hello by evanescence
8) shan hu hai by jay chou
9) confessions of a broken heart by lindsay lohan
10) other songs in jay chou's shi2 yi1 yue4 de xiao1 bang1

here's a poem dat i composed:

Nobody told me the purpose of me
But yet i believe my presence's to change things
But now i have to flee
Away from things that cut my wings

Things like:
Parents' control
Isolation and tears

Being backstabbed
Screaming and Lies
Hatred that cries

Out to the people beside me
as they move on tunelessly
As if they were ghosts in black and white
without a purpose in life.

So now i pray,
for these things to be taken away
for me to find freedom and fly
far far away into the sky.

happi valentine and frenship dae!! <3
Tuesday, February 14, 2006, 8:02 PM

Thursday, February 09, 2006, 6:21 PM
got bac my ez link card bac from dat stupid east coast bike shop le...my life basically resumes 2 normal, these daes there's less screaming cos most of e time i'm preoccupied wif work n my mum dun fell lyk screaming at mi when i so ke lian le...dat's one gd thing bout sch!! some of my frenz commented dat my blog is very sad. n i sound very sophiscated in my blog. e reason is dat when i blog, i tink. i dun jus type out a summary of wad i tink 4 e wk or wadeva, i tink bout issues n i tink bout e reality. i jus lyk 2 kip my blog dis way. sighhh 2dae stay bac sch do proj again...came bac home late at 5.30pm again. all my 5 daes r occupied. arrghh....my ms acc is jus left hangin dere. n during march hols oso cant play cos i'm going 2 a french sch in spore 4 immersion programme.

aniwae i was jus pondering dis question. n i dun wanna offend ppl. so i shall jus quote from wad i read in a book dat expresses exactly wad i feel. "Give me your tired yearning to breathe free." dat's what it said on the Statue of Liberty. dat's e 1st thing millions of immigrants saw when dey stepped into new york. a statement assuring dat all will b welcome, regardless of social-economic status. n isnt a class a mini-organisation lyk NY? we spend more den 4 hrs a day wif one another!! but despite dis, i dun c us acting together as one. all i c is a bunch of ppl spilt into their cliques who've spilt off into cliques 4 their own "protection" and r totally afraid 2 let anyone new into their precious, selective groups. which totally sux. (ahem...allow mi 2 interrupt at dis point n remind u again dat dis is NOT sitong writing. it's e BOOK. so umm...continue)

there's a certain set of ppl who believe dey haf an inherent rite 2 officebcos dey r more popular, better at certain things den most ppl, get e latest coolest stuff compared 2 others. but guess wad? it's all a scam. these ppl, who act as if dey haf a rite 2 govern you n mi, are completely unqualified for e job due 2 e simple fact dat they dun believe in e fundamental precepts of our nation n dat we r ALL CREATED EQUAL. there's a real problem in dis sch n that's a grp dat is e minority has been making decisions 4 e majority 4 far 2 long.and dat is jus wrong.

okie...n dat's all i wanna share wif everyone. i'm not specifically pointing wad is mentioned in e passage at some particular ppl. i'm NOT. e thing is, u jus gonna tink about r u really gonna let a minority of ppl make decisions 4 e majority? n y is the majority afraid 2 voice up their own opinions about things? y mus we always follo excatly wad others sae even at heart we hate e idea? r these ppl really "popular"? dey r only popular bcos dey tink dey r. if u stop tinking dat dey r e so called popular grp n jus treat them as ur fellow equal, things will go smoother. if u jus stop gettin so obviosuly into ur clique groups, e spirit will b better. there will b no backstabbing!! we get into grps 2 defend ourselves. we hate 2 stand alone n haf no one 2 tok 2. yes, we can get a circle of frenz. but a clique is diff. some ppl r jus so strongly keeping others out from their clique. n wad's e point? all i wanna sae is dat i wan ppl 2 b aware of dis issue. 2 tink. stand in other ppl shoes n tink...mayb dey r not dat bad as u tink. u jus gotta rmbr dat if u dun offend ppl, dey wun offend u. so tink about whether e ppl dat r considered as ur "enemies" r e ppl u offended but din realise it. tink about whether it's worth it 2 hate someone. y dun u jus accept dat someone as who he/she is? tink about y he/she act in dat certain way dat annoys u so much. dey may haf their own reasons. hatred is a strong feeling. too strong. jus tink about it.

cny's over T_T
Wednesday, February 01, 2006, 6:58 PM
so saddd...cny's over. in dis whole cny, i discovered n learnt a lot of things. ONE, haf responsibility 2wards ur belongings!! TWO, godsis doesnt necessarily meant gd things. THREE, festive moods wears off fast.

wellll, i summarised all those abv as i lost my ez-link card...not excatly lost but left it somewhere. i went cycling at east coast on mondae den rent e bikes. but i never go n return e bikes personally myself, is my mum n other ppl help return de...n den dat stupid shopkeeper din even return my ezlink card bac!!!! @#$%!!! nvm...so now my fren's n my ezlink card is lying in dat stupid bike shop somewhere...sighh

i had my godsis over 4 3 daes 2 nites oso...n i was rather bored during her entire stay cos i guess we jus dun haf anything in common n apparently my mum want mi 2 b more spontaneous n tok wif her 2 get more knowledge n stuff from her cos she so clever, from china got into ny here...bleh...she doesnt understand dat i hate my mum showering praises n goodies n everything on other ppl while half-ignoring mi e whole time...i'm jus experiencing dis mixed feeling of both a little dislike(4 my godsis) n jealousy n confuse all mingled 2gether. i guess i'm jus a little too used to having my parents 2 myself n not used to haf another "sibling" in e hse. guess it oso teaches mi something huh? on last sat, my mum, in her fultile attempt 2 present our hse as a spotless sparkling clean hse 2 welcome my godsis's arrival, she screamed at my dad allllll day 2 help her around e hse doing housework n 2 help her prepare her 11 dishes. okie i admit dat one person doing 11 dishes is quite admirable but there is no nid 2 scream at ppl as thou dey were slaves 2 work n help out rite??!!? at nite, i stayed up 2am 2 watch cctv e concert in china. it was really really good. all e singing n dancing n wad we call "xiao pin" was really really hilarious!!

after all these excitement n fun, it's time 2 ponder bout e whole meaning of e cny. e chinese newspapers i read mentioned dis point n most teens from 17-19 alredy find cny quite boring n r no longer excited over e idea of having hong baos. actually i tink i'm oso expericencing dat. so wad's e whole point of cny? actually these daes i bet no one care so much on e whole point aniwae, dey jus eat n haf fun n no longer view cny as a cultural tradition festival. bet every1 jus tot 2 buy e new yr deco 4 a little festive joyous mood, haf a little gathering dinner 2 kip e tradition 4 e sake of it...no one go so far as 2 tink e real origin n culture behind dis festival, dey jus welcomed it wif open arms cos it gives 3 daes of holidaes...it's jus lyk a sorta countdown thingy wif no big meaning...guess e human brain is often shrunken in terms of such things.

dey say ppl haf became more n more civilized n everything wif all e fancy gadgets n new technology. wif e latest radio-camera-video-recorder-hp all rolled into one. but i dun tink we r actually becoming more civilizedd. we r jus inventing new stuff 2 help ourselves, 2 make things easier 4 us all. in dis world, there r few ppl who actually understands n noe how 2 appreciate art, music, danse properly. everyone is jus gg 2 concerts n dramas 2 see but dey do not understand e true meaning behind things. dey dunno how 2 read btw e lines. ppl r jus caring 2 look good, make more money, do things 4 their own benefit. humans r selfish, dey waste e earth's resources n plow e earth dry of everything n kill animals 4 their skin n take advantage of animals 2 provide humans wif wad dey dun haf. everything's jus 4 themselves. dey dun gif a damn as 2 whether e earht's gonna "live" on 4 another million years 2 support another million years of life. dey dun even care if their own species---e older generation gonna thrive or not. ppl jus care bout gettin e rite clothes, rite accesories, more ways 2 make money. i dun tink they actually care 4 others besides their families. i tink some of those ppl who donate money is jus bcos their religion teaches them 2 do so n dey r afraid dat if dey do not gif graciously dey will haf bad luck. har!! ~roll eyes~

u saw how much donations there were when e tsunami came?? e donations practically flooded in...while ppl in Africa, Uganda r suffering n dying from AIDS, e world choose not 2 care n ignore them n some ppl even tink dat e ppl there deserve it n look down on them as "filthy ppl". e reason dat AIDS occur in their country is dat dey dun haf enuf education 2 noe how AIDS is transmitted n dey dun understand y dey can get AIDS. e world should instead more spontaneously help third world countries lyk them n provide them wif better healthcare n education system n let them haf a better government! ppl r jus too blind n too selfish sometimes...