Je t'aime plus que hier, moins que demain ♥ Welcome to the blog of a 17yearoldgirl, where she posts her mindless musings and ramifications. This is extremely private; cos this is where she dreams, sleeps and cries. She lives. | "We can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences. but our innocence goes awfully deep, and our discreditable secret is that we don’t know anything at all, and our horrid inner secret is that we don’t care that we don’t." |
Sunday, March 30, 2008, 7:17 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008, 1:41 PM
Friday, March 07, 2008, 9:42 PM
At the Za beauty school workshop
funny pics we took in our room. look at spastic jean XD
me, melly, jean and ha
day 2
today, we had fun indoor games that displayed our strong class spirit, as well as a workshop with elaine heng again about etiquette. she taught us the display of utensils in a formal dinner, as well as how to peel prawns using a fork and knife :o also, walking and seating classes. I cannot stand elaine heng, i dunno how she can seat and listen to ppl so "gracefully", sitting straight like a statue. i mean, we're humans, doesn't she feel uncomfortable sitting like that? oh, and not to mention that her legs are like little twigs ): i feel sorry for her, she didn't manage to enjoy the pleasures in life like sitting in front of the tv and eating one whole can of pringles, or going to four leaves just to buy two slices of cake to eat. pooooooor girl.
Monday, March 03, 2008, 8:55 PM
Eggtart cups and a cup of milk as usual. The eggtarts look very yummy right? Sorry for the lousy pic cos I took this using my hp cam of only 2.0 pixels D: I wanna get a new phone by the end of this year! (hopefully) The greenish eggtart is kiwi flavour, actually it doesn't taste exactly like kiwi cept for the green jam on top, but nonetheless, very nice to eat. The other one contains mushrooms with carrot strips inside. Texture of eggtarts is very right, and not very sweet. What I like about these are the outside "crumby" case.
C'est tout pour aujourd'hui, parce que je suis fatiguée, je dois dormir...
Saturday, March 01, 2008, 9:48 PM
这是你的homepage. 这是摘除另一个用户得个人网页,因为我觉得我的"poupeegirl"的妆扮台见不得人了。
I have my "poupeegirl" displayed at the right sidebar under profile (: If you ever decide to join poupeegirl, you can tag here on my blog and I'll send an invitation to you :D
that's all for today!