My birthday's arriving's 6 more days till i turn bittersweet 16. Time flies and i didn't feel that it was very long before it got to may and we're all finalising our CA1 marks and worrying about report books.
My report bk this semester sucked. S-U-C-K-E-D COMPLETELY. I managed to get an awfully low MSG of 2++ and i had two b4s and one b3, two A1s and 2A2s. One of those A2 was math again, and it was just a bare 70 like last year again. And I hate it that i got 69 for LA. ARGH. I seriously think i'm at the lowest of the bunch in my class. I wish they can do away with MSG instead, at least without MSG, i can get a 75% average and it looks nicer. ARGH.
We're forever being reminded that we're the creme de la creme en Singapour, mais c'est pas vrai. At least it doesn't seem true to me. When i tell ppl of my so-called "achievements", I have done NYAA, i've been learning french for more than 3 years, I'm taking piano grade8 and I'm in a gold with honours choir and last of all, I study at NYGH. And people will be like: wooooww u're so great and all thsoe stuff. But when i look at other people, I think i'm like the rotten fruit of a basket full of fresh fruits. Other people also achieved piano grade8, they're the president/vice pres of BOM/PSL/whatever cca etc or they're a councillor, they also excel in their ccas, they are excellent in their studies, have attended, SMP/NRP/LDP/AEP/BSP/HMP/HSSRP/MPP and all those many many prestigious Ps that my school offers. And me, I'm nothing when compared to those people who attended so many Ps.
Anyway, tmr's the start of sabbaticals and also my last concert for choir. 4 years has certainly pasted fast. Esp since I entered sec3, things just seemed to be a blur to me and sometimes I could make out the things I have, things i do, things i need to do.... My studies have also dropped since I entered sec3. It's lousy. I hope at the end of this year, I can scrape by an MSG of 1.4 or lower.

My parents bought this beautiful rose on the day of my last concert, on 8 may. It lasted barely 4 days before it just died completely and i had to chuck it into my garbage bin. I feel that the rose is like me in some ways. My mum just popped in and asked me to do HCL O level papers for chinese whenever I have the time. She tends to remind me to do them at least once a week. She wants me to finish two assessment books worth of papers ASAP. I think once she sees my report book, she'll remind me to do assessments for physics, math and chinese everyday. I have no life, I must finish the papers and the long list of homeworking awaiting me.
I think if i laid out all the homework and things I've done so far, it will be able to cover several football fields. I really don't get the purpose of education; let's all just go back to the beginning, when men wasn't even smart enough to invent fire. I do not need all these temporary useless garbage surrounding me and my life. All I need, is food, clothes, medicine, family and friends and happiness. Is it so hard to get that?
The rose in me died long ago. Do you think I can just bury it?