Je t'aime plus que hier, moins que demain ♥ Welcome to the blog of a 17yearoldgirl, where she posts her mindless musings and ramifications. This is extremely private; cos this is where she dreams, sleeps and cries. She lives. | "We can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences. but our innocence goes awfully deep, and our discreditable secret is that we don’t know anything at all, and our horrid inner secret is that we don’t care that we don’t." |
Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 5:10 PM
今天的天气实在是诱人的清爽,终于不用担心LA了!不过更可怕的噩梦其实还在后头 ):
Monday, September 22, 2008, 7:59 PM
Anano's bears (c'est dans francais!)
Now zakka crafting is definitely on the top of my to-do list after EOYs! (: That's all, now I shall get back to preparing for the LA EOY on wednesday *sigh*
Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 5:58 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 8:02 PM
Friday, September 05, 2008, 12:47 PM
Holga 135BC can shoot unlimited multiple exposures (Layman: overlapping of different photos) on the same frame. If you wanna see the pros work with their Holgas, go here:
There's also the famous Fisheye cams, which will distort images into a circular shape and curve straight lines to focus on the object in the middle. But I'm not really a big fan of can google it if you want to (:
I.WANT.A.DIANA+.CAM.SO.BADLY. I think it costs around S$100 :/
Open it up and you'll find Eight Mini Snowskin Mooncakes. 4 Flavours. $38.90. Flavous include Yam, Sweet Potato, Green tea Macha with Red Bean and Orange. They also had a "champagne" range, where there will be a wine truffle wrapped in chocolate in the middle of each mooncake. That will cost you $44.95.
Obsession 3: Cute Diaries!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008, 6:03 PM
This was what I ate yesterday: GREEN BEAN PANCAKE! 绿豆饼!好吃好吃太好吃,第一次吃到这么好吃的炸绿豆饼!里头的绿豆是整的,完全没有加工过,就是因为它的原汁原味才能吃出绿豆的香浓味到。普通的绿豆饼用的都是已经加工好的绿豆酱,吃进嘴里的都是假的绿豆味道(还有很多糖)。真正的绿豆是没有味道的,不过有很浓浓的口感。
Oh and a lot of you have been requesting pictures of the F21 Chiffon Floral Dress that I bought, so here it is (: [Click here for the related post]
Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 5:16 PM
我刚刚在礼品店“Minitoons” 买到的改正液!非常可爱对吧。上面的镜子让你在无聊的课堂里照镜子,自恋。哈哈。今天除了早上去学校学习之外,下午的时间又被我给浪费掉了。咳,照这样下去,我的年尾考试肯定泡汤了。
今天下午的时间花在了这个网站上: 发觉到新加坡动物园其实不是我想象的那么美丽。小时候经常去动物园玩,看过北极熊、动物表演……也有和几个月大的小猩猩照过相,不过小时候根本都没有想到动物园其实在虐待它们。ACRES 说动物园虐待北极熊,让它们在一个热带国家中存活,导致它们感到非常不安与不自然,身上还因此长了许多青苔。怪不得小时候觉得很奇怪为什么它们的毛发不是我在电视看到的一样雪白。ACRES 也说动物园把许多多余的小猩猩或者与游客曾经照过相的猩猩遗弃在印尼。在那里,他们只有一个小笼子住,很可怜。表面看起来好看的东西其实都有残酷的幕后工作。