i. I can now finally slack without feeling guilty because my HCL O levels is finally over! (even though the presence of 4 math papers still continues to threaten me) I hope I'll be able to get an A2 so as not to let down my mum and zuo laoshi and of course, myself. I should sometimes be ashamed that even though I'm from China, I can't even scrape an A for my EOY exam ): But I've already been conditioned to become a Singaporean already since I'm here since kindergarden...
ii. Barack Obama became the historical first black president in American history, with his wife Michelle being the first black First Lady. Even though I do not live in USA and am not an American citizen, I can't help being elated about this piece of news. Firstly, this represents that most Americans have finally accepted 'black' African Americans as their equals and have hence chosen a black president to represent their country. Secondly, I sincerely respect Barack Obama because even though he did not have previous experience regarding politics but he still stood up and fought for his dream and for his America despite his differences and difficulties. In conclusion, it's 皆大欢喜。
iii. The MAIN reason for my happiness, however, is the time spent with my closest choir friends today. Even though our beach plan is completely ruined by the heavy rain, but that did not dampen our happiness :D We first proceeded to Bugis to take neoprints (i can now have complete reason to act cute with my choppy bangs hahahaha). We spent nearly one hour plus just decorating the four neoprint pictures! :O but the results turned out superb and we had so much fun, even Huimin, haha.
After which, we went to Marina Square and walked around its huge complex until we found the bowling alley. We bought two games and Me and Leny grouped together, with Adeline and Huimin competing against us in the other group, while Xiaoyang and Jelly cheered us on xD In the end, me and leny won the game with a 10+ points lead, thanks to my beginner's luck, which managed to help me knock down 9 pins at my first go :D But after that, my luck detoriated and besides knocking down another 7 pins, the rest of my balls went into the gutter D:
Thankfully Huimin's and Adeline's balls ended up with the same fate so that's why me and leny still won them *muahahhaha*
After which, me and leny bought earrings at only 3 pairs for $5 :D They had an entire full of earrings to select from, and me being me, nearly wanted to buy 5 pairs, but ended up only getting 2 pairs so that I can share with leny's pair to make 3 pairs.
And then, we dined at a wonderful Hong Kong style restaurant that was recommended by Leny. We only ordered three meal dishes, each pair to one dish. I shared my Seafood Muifan with Adeline, while Huimin and Jelly ordered Fish Muifan and Leny and Xiaoyang ordered Cheese Baked Spaghetti with Chicken Chop. I would definitely go back to dine there again some time as the majority of the dishes only cost up to $9.90 max, which is relatively cheap given the relaxing dining environment and quick and fast service. The quantity of the food was good enough for two girls to share and it was really delicious. The Seafood Muifan contained 3 fresh prawns, spinach, fish and octopus bits and of course, rice, in delicious gravy covered with pork floss. YUM.
[Leny, you owe me peektures!]
On a serious note, I seriously do not know what I would do without my wonderful friends. At this stage of my life, I would definitely choose friends over family. Friends can become your family but you can never get some family to become your friends. Friends are the people you choose and friendships are more meaningful because they are the relationships that you helped build. I always feel extreme happiness spending time with my good friends, because they accept me for who I am, and I know that we can laugh at each other's silliness and do crazy, fun and stupid things together. They let me have confidence in myself and feel loved and cared for because I know they will always be there supporting me through thick and thin no matter what happens.
THANK YOU, MY CLOSE FRIENDS [adeline, jean, melly, jelly, xiaoyang, leny, michmich and huimin] , I LOVE YOU.
Tomorrow, I'm going to stuff my life essentials needed for 7 days into one tiny luggage because I'll be flying to Ho Chin Minh City on 7NOV, coming back on 14NOV, and starting work on 15NOV. Wish me luck and I'll bring back goodies for you guys. *muacks* :D