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Une fille comme moi
Je t'aime plus que hier, moins que demain ♥
Welcome to the blog of a 17yearoldgirl, where she posts her mindless musings and ramifications.
This is extremely private;
cos this is where she dreams, sleeps and cries.
She lives.
"We can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences.
but our innocence goes awfully deep,
and our discreditable secret is that we don’t know anything at all,
and our horrid inner secret is that
we don’t care that we don’t."
when the choices you make dont turn out to be down the right path
Saturday, June 27, 2009, 10:42 PM
I feel like I'm going to screw up. Time pasts by and before I know it, everything that I promised myself to do is undone. Not like I'm going to earn truckloads of money if I get all A's this time round...but little things add up. And every little bit counts.

I just want to turn away from these thoughts in my head but they keep resurfacing every 20 minutes. And I don't know why your face keeps on popping up.

I'm not making sense.

I wanna be like Rumi [http://www.fashiontoast.com/] Don't know why I didn't discover the wonder of her in the past, even though I know that she's always been there. Her style is off the hook. I don't understand why people around me can't accept dressing with a proper sense of style. I look in my wardrobe and I can hardly seem to find anything that seems "plain" to me anymore. That's because I've been selling all my conventional clothes away and replacing them with more unconventional stuff that I've been picking up. I feel like taking photos of my outfits next time and steer my blog towards to being more of a fashion blog rather than just mindless musings.

I want to go here so badly...

My God. There will be VESPAS. This is even bigger than FLEAFLYFLOFUN. Damn.

Boo Blocks, Yay H1N1
Friday, June 26, 2009, 12:38 PM
Preparing for block tests had me pulling my hair out and going into hysteria in front of all my friends. Well done. 2 hours and I only did 4 integration questions, with a lot of holes in between. HOW THE F*** AM I GOING TO PULL OFF MATH BT IN THAT KIND OF CONDITION?!

And right now, I still have not done a single thing to my EoM or GP revision and I think I forgot like 40% of the stuff I memorized for bio and my chem lies in pieces. Econs - i really don't know. Have to depend on luck to score points for that essay. This sucks. Blocks sucks. I suck D:

On a happier note, I'm going to have to fetch Qihao with his gang later this evening, and my reward for fetching him is going to be some $40-per-head buffet at this jap restaurant, which I insisted on changing the venue cos I can't possibly pay for it. But they insist that I go. So most likely I'll have to pay back using monthly installments. And...I'm only paying cos I want to, they don't even care about whether the money comes back or not.

Don't we all like finer things in life? But it's those things that defines the rich and the poor, it's that thin line between being rich and being willing to spend. Sometimes -esp when i go shopping- I wish that I'm rich and that I'm able to afford all those pretty stuff to make myself feel prettier. And then at moments like those, I'll pick up the stuff that I like and tell myself: this is what you are working for right now and then I'll put them back on the shelf. But at other times I think that it's really very pointless just to work your ass off to greater riches in the future. Sure, all that retail therapy and knowing that you can adorn yourself with better material things...but what is really the point in it all? So what?

Actually, all I ever wanted was just happiness. C'est tout. Il n'y a rien.

What is life but taking risks?
Saturday, June 20, 2009, 8:24 PM
I feel...speechless when I looked at the YAP exco and discovered that I didn't get the post of the secretary but it was instead left to another girl who didn't even run for it. And oh, more people voted for another girl (that I felt was responsible enough) that wasn't present at the actual elections but did a video. Oh well. Why is it that everytime I try to go for something like a leadership role, I get denied entry. But frankly, thinking about it doesn't make any difference now...it's just that I was expecting myself to get in because in the first place, the number of people who ran for exco wasn't that great.

But yes, what is life but taking risks? If I never did go for it, I would have never even had a chance so I'm just going to suck it up like a she-man :D

And my life is going great now so I'm not gonna let this little thing dishearten me. Revision's for bio is nearly done...I need to do more exercises on math and chem and then leave the last and final week for econs and GP ): I'm praying that more teens get infected with swine flu so that the holidays can be extended xD that's such an evil thought...but still...who doesn't pray that will happen? Man is selfish.

Last night I went to kbox with my gang of crazy guy friends again, had great fun going high and singing songs back to back and then I slept over at sj's house. Hm but now I face this problem of trust with my mum. I don't know what to tell her anymore...why can't she just let me go and trust that it's ok for me to spend time with guys? I hate lying to people's faces and it scares me that I can do it so well now. It's either I tell her the truth and she breaks her trust about me and stops me from sleeping over ever and controlling all my social activities in the future, or I lie about it forever. And I don't know what to choose.

BANG BANG; you shot me
Thursday, June 18, 2009, 11:10 AM

I think these few days I've been shopping way too much. Heh heh. Sorry mummy, I'm like spending your hard earned money away xD After the flea, I'm broke. So now I've been skipping lunch and saving whatever little bits I can. But I just found this super nice blogshop [http://loveandbravery.blogspot.com/] that has the nicest stuff and I feel like getting yet another 2-3 dresses from them ): (DANA ZIPPER TOGA DRESS, LYNN ZIPPER BUSTIER DRESS & ALICE CORAL SHIFT DRESS) And F21's having a sale too ;D Oh well, maybe at most I can sell the floral set I bought at the flea in exchange for it. And perhaps sell one of the stuff I bought from pandaswithpistols too.

Last Sunday, me and my mum just went out to Orchard to buy me my swimsuit, and I went out and bought two products from THE BODY SHOP that costed me $33.80 from my bank account. And my swimsuit was paid for by my mum, it's a navy blue Arena swimsuit that's really very fitting on me and it has a cutout big hole at the back. I really like it, just that the design looks like it's made for swimming pools and not for the beach.

AND on tues I went swimming! I think it was meant to be, because I found $9 in an old bag while rummaging in the storeroom for a bag that I need for swimming. You know, sometimes it's good to hide little bits of money around in your house and then forget about it so that you'll be delighted to pick up some extra cash when you need them :D I swam 700m. And I realised my stamina deproved greatly. I used to be able to do at least 6 laps without stopping, now I can only swim one lap at one go. Maybe it's because I put in a lot of energy into each lap because I try to swim the fastest I can...and at the end of today's swimming, my arms felt a bit like rubber. I really need to swim more and build up my arm's muscle mass, to get silver for stupid NAPFA when school reopens ):

And yesterday I went to wm's house again and we had Sukiyaki for dinner! I swear the guys love me cos I got my math notes that are like a bible and they claim that whenever I'm there they get to eat better food. Haha.

Sunday, June 14, 2009, 3:44 PM
Yesterday was a crazy day of shopping at the super huge flea market at F1 Pit Building! Totally worth it! I should really really go for fleas more often. You can find some ridiculously cheap stuff, like big tubes of Khiel's and even Bobbi Brown going for only $10+, $5-$10 clothes, BNWT branded clothes going for half their retail price and of course a lot a lot of blogshop clothes (:

I bought mainly dresses and skirts yesterday, cos I already had so many bottoms at home. So I got this [blogshop] floral set (a plain black tee and a floral skirt) at $27, a BNWT f21 shadow floral flare skirt at $24, a super pretty black dress with tiny floral prints at $24, a topshop cutout top at only $3, a vintage gold ring at $6 and a gold chain headband at $5. Yeah, you can tell that I have a really soft spot for florals. And me and addie each got the below POLAROID at $2. YAYYEEEE. It was such a fun time bargain hunting!
I didn't really go for the super duper cheap stuff cos mostly those were clothes that were worn before and weren't as pretty as the blogshop stuff that were going on sale. And the number of blogshops there were probably more than the number of personal clothes sellers. But I kind of regret getting the floral set, because I still kind of want a bandage skirt...maybe I'll consider selling the floral set online and getting my bandage skirt instead xD

But apart from the whole day of fun bargain hunting, I had HTHT again with Liyin at night. And she made realise that I should probably distance myself from some people so as not let myself get hurt. Because the more involved we get with people, the easier that they can break our hearts. And she said I had all the signs of her when she was walking down the alley towards an ugly ending...which really got me very worried. And now, because of everything I think (i think too much, yes) I got myself really confused and scared. And me being me, I went to seek the truth. HEH. 2 hours+ long worth of discussion, I only found half of it. Thanks, dear ._.
What should I do about us?

Life's a Beach
Friday, June 12, 2009, 11:58 PM

I know I sent you this already, but here it is again. So don't complain, dear. I miss you. I nearly wanted to post a polaroid here too but HAHAHA.

Life has been going pretty good for me for this while...a bit too good that I'm afraid that everyting will just pop and disappear, the way happiness bubbles do. These few days, besides slacking at home and sometimes just wasting entire days away, I've been trying to work hard towards blocks. I still find that I'm more productive when I study in school, so I should probably move my lazy ass to school more often. I'm really scared of math BT and chem MCQ )):

Tomorrow I'll be going to a big flea organised by FLEAFLYFLOFUN with Addie. I hope it'll be really fun and I can finally get to legitimately spend $100 at one go on several clothes and find some really GOOD bargains! First time going to a flea :D

And next monday there'll be class outing, tuesday PW meeting in school and also mini trial tests on wed (which I don't really feel like attending xD) I hope I can finish all my econs and bio revision on time, considering that I haven't finished math integ, differentiation and binomial exercises yet. OMG. I better spend my time wisely AND STOP SLACKING!

This wednesday, I finally tried out the famous MUD PIE from Island Creamery and I have to say that it's pretty good! The chocolate ice cream layer was like SOOOOOOO chocolatey right from the first bite. It's pretty much the most original chocolate flavour I've tasted since they didn't put any chunks into the ice cream at all. But my favourite was probably the hard oreo
crust the ice cream was encrusted into, that was really good, paired with the oreo bits on the ice cream. A really good deal from just $4.80, just like all Island stuff :D

BK Hershey Sundae Pie
But I still prefer eating the super chocolatey and sinful HOT FUDGE CHOCOLATE BROWNIE ice cream from B&J's. I tried that once before and the gooey chocolate brownie chunks inside was just heaven paired with the ice cream. And I miss my Hershey's choc sundae pie too! I used to have that every now and then from Burger King's, it has the same oreo layer but just a tad too sweet, but other than that, the ice cream+whipped cream's extremely yummy. Totally value for money as well cos it was only $2+.

First batch of cupcakes - unglazed, left to cool just 5 mins after it's out from the oven

The finished product!

Speaking of which, I should probably bake soon again! I miss baking. The last time I baked was in May, during the Vesak Day weekend. I baked LEMON GLAZED CHEESECAKE for my family and friends and it was a great hit with both parties! I shall bake COFFEE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES again this time. I miss chocolate cupcakes <3

I need to stop thinking and start doing
Thursday, June 04, 2009, 11:28 PM
I nearly decided to abandon this blog and move to lj! But when I weighed both of these online blogging sites, I hate lj for its hard css codes(albeit beautiful layouts) and also its irritating ads. If there were to be no ads, then I would need to change my account to a basic one and that would mean me only getting 6 userpics and I cannot upload my bloody photos on lj! How unfair is that. So I've come to revive my old blog :D

So many things happened in just one short month (my last post was in april) that everything just looks like a whirl. There are lot of things that I've done, a lot of things that people did to me, that I don't feel safe telling to people. Maybe I should lock up this blog with a password!
Looking back now, I think I've spent my time so far in HC to my maximum. I've made wonderful friends that love me as much as I love them, I gone out for many concerts and outings with my fantastic class, I've been told that I'm actually pretty (which still doesn't seem believable to me), I've celebrated my birthday with a cake and a song from my friends, I've spoilt guen's cam and still hear her tell me that it's ok, I've hugged a guy tightly and I've been the emcee for arts fest. It actually doesn't seem all that bad when you leave out the feeling of tireness during lectures, sleeping only 5 hours a day and feeling disgusted at myself for sleeping during school. 
And that pathetic feeling of failure when I thought I've reached my brink.

I just sent qihao off to guangzhou in yesterday morning and I'm already experiencing post-qihao blues, damn it. That guy simply takes up too much of my time in my life, without even me noticing it. He's like always the first one I think of to disturb, cos 80% of the time he's slacking, anyway. And he's accountable for the $41+ phone bill that my parents received recently too. HEHH. (I need to change my bloody classic plan to the students one asap)

Things between my parents are hard now...again. I just CANNOT find anything to talk to them about...it's like even though we live under one roof, I feel like I'm a tenant cos half of the time I'm wishing that I can go sleep over at friends' houses or just get out with friends :/ what to do?
I just cannot connect with my mum anymore. When she talks to me, it's as though she's interrogating me and I hate that. Damn it why are my family dynamics forever so screwed.