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Une fille comme moi
Je t'aime plus que hier, moins que demain ♥
Welcome to the blog of a 17yearoldgirl, where she posts her mindless musings and ramifications.
This is extremely private;
cos this is where she dreams, sleeps and cries.
She lives.
"We can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences.
but our innocence goes awfully deep,
and our discreditable secret is that we don’t know anything at all,
and our horrid inner secret is that
we don’t care that we don’t."
Sunday, January 31, 2010, 12:20 PM
Hi guys,
please find me here: http://agirlofmay.tumblr.com/

M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2010: Art & the Law
Sunday, December 20, 2009, 1:35 AM

Can't believe I've never heard of this fringe festival before. And it's already been ongoing for quite a few years. I want to get to this one next year! I already spot some really cool theatre and dance works happening here: www.singaporefringe.com

Now for the million dollar question:
Q: Art and the Law is the sixth edition of the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival - True or False?
A: True, bien sur.

I haven't been to esplanade for any musical or theatrical productions for so long...I used to go for concerts by the SSO a lot in Sec 3...almost once in 3 months. I don't think I've stepped inside esplanade's concert hall for more than a year now, and that's saddening. I need to refresh my artistic side. So...pretty please?

, 12:01 AM
Goodbye to personal freedom, goodbye to the feeling that time is all around, goodbye wilted flowers, goodbye old Sitong. Goodbye blog!

I am turning to the traditional way to diary writing, not because I don't like that other people can see what I think and feel, but more because of the motivation that diary writing gives me. In P6, I kept a diary too! So it's sort of like a "tradition" now that I get a diary for a big exam year. I believe it will keep me focused and bring me good luck :) Maybe I'll still pop down here to share some nice photos with you all from time to time, lookout for My New Year Resolution.

Looking back, this year I've been pretty slack really. I keep telling myself that I'm working really hard, but I think all I've been doing is staying up till early morning trying to memorize things that went into my brain and stayed for only one week tops. I think I had been so obsessed with the notion of working hard that I forgot what I was working for and how to work efficiently.
And then there was that stupid bastard problem that distracted me more than half a year. I swear, next year will be about studying and studying only. OMG I HOPE THIS WON'T BE AN EMPTY PROMISE.

These holidays haven't been exactly super busy, not like people who had BSP camps, extra classes, tons of CCA commitments etc. My week normally goes like this: 2x half day outings with friends, 1 day whole day slacking, the rest of the days doing work and reading newspapers. But it's not like I've been totally focusing on work either cos right now the only subject I've finished is GP, and math tut, some math revision topics, econs lecture series notes, SATSATSAT revision. I
did not even look at bio and chem yet ._.

It's not helping that apparently God decided it was appropriate for me to be shot by Cupid. I'm sorry, poor guy, either you wait me through till after A levels or you bribe me with good food and clothes and hope that I begin to like you. I'm sorry but I CANNOT afford to be distracted by guys now. They should be like, the last thing on my mind.

My Christmas Wishlist: [material things]
1. Fujifilm instax 7S polaroid cam
2. That topshop purple velvet dress! Still can't get over it.
3. Yummy buffet on Christmas night! (hope my mum brings me to a nice hotel)
4. Skinfood Aloe BB cream (getting it very soon!)
5. Accessories! Rings and more rings, baby! And some necklaces too.
6. Gorgeous nails that will last for 2 weeks (with my mum's permission to get them done in a salon of course :/)
7. Facials! Mum didn't renew her facial package for some time so I haven't been to one in a while ):
8. Clothes from F21, Zara or Topshop.

[Non-material things]
1. A 2100+ score for my SAT!
2. Self discipline (How pathetic is it that I wish for this every year but still can't do it)
3. Supportive friends + no family woes = HAPPINESS
4. A good prelims result!
5. A good A levels result!

What's yours?

how did it come to this
Sunday, October 18, 2009, 2:47 AM
I honestly don't know where to start. I don't understand why the relationship between me and my mum is like so strained right now. I have this feeling that if my mum was someone I met in school, we probably won't talk to each other cos our personalities just clash. I didn't mean to hurt her nor did I meant for it to come to this, the way she said we are - just arguing whenever we talk - bcos I treat her really bad. I don deny that the generation gap comes into play and sometimes I just get really cranky and don't talk to my parents nicely. I always get very irritated cos it's like I can't seem to have a proper conversation with them cos half of the time I'll need to repeat myself and/or explain to them what certain words mean or what's the thingy that's going on in school and the like. Maybe you can argue that the reason I need to explain is cos I don't talk to them often enough to understand but it's more of like cos they've never been through the Singapore education systems and know nuts about it and I just can't seem to find stuff to talk about to them unlike so many of my girlfriends.

So I'm venting it out all here by writing a letter to my mum (sorry if you can't bear this just skip it)

I have never meant for things to become this bad. I have never meant to hurt you. I don't know what to do. You know sometimes I just can't control how I feel or the things I say...and I'm...sorry. Really. You know actually I've started to plan for your bday even before promos. I thought about baking you a cake, I got my dad to sponsor me for the cake tin, I started browsing through dozens of baking websites looking for the perfect recipe, and I got down to buying the ingredients one week before your bday next Sunday. I really put thought into this whole affair and I thought I'm going to give you a good bday even despite all the mean things you said to me. Even though you scolded me like shit on my bday.

Do you know how tiring it is to live with you and your fiery temper since I was born? When I was small and when you screamed at me for the slightest things, I'll always end up crying the way I am now. And now it seems like both of us have the same shifty temper and so you tell me you'll rather die than be at my beck and call. You are not my maid. And that if I continue to treat you badly we can end up not talking to each other, I'll move out when I turn 18, and we can just carry on with each others' lives as though I was never your daughter. And oh, you tell me until I learn how to speak to you politely I can forget about getting my allowance or any other payment that needs to be made by you.

Well thank you, I am really speechless and helpless. Sometimes I am really so sick and drained by you. We just can't get along. I can't tell share with you the clothes I bought cos you hate shopping and don't like the way I dress. You don't like having your makeup or nails done. You scream as long as you think I'm being disrespectful to you. Do you really think raising voices will intimidate me and help to mitigate the situation or even make yourself feel better? Do you really think cutting my finances will change the way I feel?

Sometimes I really hate having to rely on you for money because I'd always feel like it's still not my money and so I can't spend it on whatever I please. Without financial freedom leaves me so vulnerable to having to obey almost everything you say. It's this idea of who ever is richer counts and since everything I have is financed by you, I should listen to everything you think is right or good for me, like eating fish for example.

I really don't know what to do anymore. Nor do I feel like having to further dicuss this with you 6 hours later. Please just leave me.

Sunday, October 11, 2009, 1:16 AM
Yesterday - or should I say the day before yesterday, since it's past 1.24AM now - was the end of promos finally! And it's funny, because this time after promos ended, I wasn't feeling as depressed as after blocks. Even though I may not necessarily do better in promos than blocks :/ You know after blocks even though I had like a post block party at wm's but then after the dinner I didn't talk to anyone much cept for Wayne cos I was moody. Gosh I haven't seen him in ages now. Or at least it seems so to me.

This time round, I can testify that I did put in effort, at least in math and chem and maybe econs. Screw bio D: But then for GP I didn't finish AQ, even though I had a good feeling about my essay. Econs: didn't finish case study and I think I missed out on impt points in my essay after comparing with addie. Chem: didn't finish the last question on rate, did the one on hydrogen-20 wrong, missed out on disproportion reaction in the front part, affecting the rest of the parts, and skipped two 3 marks questions that were completely doable. Oh and my definition of dynamic equilibrium is a confirm wrong, and so were the explanations relating to that question.
Math: I may just scrape an A if I get lucky, it was the only A I was really aiming for, so pleasepleasepleaseplease. Skipped like a bunch of qns that I wasn't sure of.
Bio: HAHAHAHA. Can someone just put 55 on my script and don't mark it? It was horrible.

Now that I think of it, it does sound quite scary...because my target for overall was A B B B but now I'm only 50%-60% sure of getting it :/ Sigh. I hate getting back results. It's the worst thing on earth. That, right next to feeling fat and ugly.

Ok I shall not think about it anymore! Moving on, a list of all the fantastic fabulous plans I have for the holidays!
1. Lose 4-5 kg.
I'm approx 53kg, give or take a 1kg as weighed from my screwed up weighing scale. So I'm aiming to go for a 49kg, with a 1kg of buffer, should I ever fatten up again.
2. Buy a guitar and self learn!
Then I can finally play Nobody's Home and sing to it acoustically! Spotted cash converters selling a yamaha acoustic guitar at $89 :D Consulted wm and he said it's cheap but he hates yamaha. But it's alright, since I'm a beginner (:
3. Revamp my room!
Walls are too bare, cushions are thrown around too haphazardly and I need a writing table. Mmm I posted a photo of my room some time ago on my blog [here]. So the revamp will consist of mural painting (Le Tour d'Effiel, baby!), fairy lights or star shaped lights, painting my ceiling light the night and sticking glow in the dark stars on top, removing those two shelves that stick out and replace them with a fold out table with side lamp for my late night mugging habits.
4. Dye my hair?
HAHAHA this is only for fun, I don't really know whether I want to really dye it or not. If I eventually dye it, it's going to be chocolate brown. Yum.
5. Mug SATs! (needs no elaboration. I'll be memorising more than 1000+ new vocabulary like a PRC scholar.)

Anyway, after promos, me and Addie went to watch 500 days of summer and then shopped at bugis street. Or should I say I shopped, cos Addie didn't buy anything but I busted $69.50. Kudos to the impulsive shopper inside me!
Financial Damage Breakdown
$6.50 - movie
$7.90 - earcuff and a plasticheart clip [the ear cuff is worth every single penny, it's so freaking cool]
$12 manicure [yay for pretty nails! But I smudged it after I got it touching $200+ shoes at Aldo. Can't believe they take 2 hours to dry completely. After I got the mani at plaza sing, I realised that most of jurong point nail salons have express manis at $5-$6 ._.]
$10 lunch
$10 black quilted chain bag [love it to bits! It can even be carried like a bucket bag. No gold hardware? Doesn't matter, I'll be making a trip down to chinatown soon to get gold chains!]
$24.90 Asymmetrical knitted slouchy tank [wasn't unlike anything I've seen before, I love almost everything in that store! Especially their $29.90 vintage print dresses, which I'm too broke to afford all.]
$5.90 Satin ribbon hairband

Shopped till nearly 8pm, took mrt to jurong point to catch Inglorious Basterds, got home at 12am+.

Reviews of the two movies I watched!

500 days of summer
I love it right from the moment they started with the introduction of the girl blowing bubbles, her smile and the boy playing with water. And then Regina Spektor comes on and I knew this was going to be good. Yes, the OST is AWESOME. I just dled it, playing it over and over now.

What Summer said really made me think she's like a guy. We're young, we can just have fun, I don't need anybody to depend on, I just wanna keep it casual, nothing serious you know? And the part when Tom asked Summer what are we? And she said we're just friends. That part, is almost the same thing that I asked and got replied by him. Yes friends, friends don't just do the things we do. I always feel disgusted when I think about how he tried to get close to me, so certain parts of the movie really resonated with me. How he kept saying it was possible but yet not so at the same time, how I told him that it's not going to happen, but unwittingly exposed more and more of myself to him. Well, now I know. And to the next girl after me, please wake up soon.

But besides that, the movie was hilarious as well, but all in the right places. It makes you think about important things, like your belief in fate and "the one". I want to believe in fate and all that, but sometimes I feel like I don't have fate with fate, because if I did, it would've came knocking on my door now after 17 years of life.

Inglorious Basterds
Plot twists has never been made better than by Quentin Tarantino! The central theme is a plot twist that the German soldiers were terrorized by the Jews, Shoshana a Jew whose family was murdered by the Germans turned around and burnt all the Germans down, a German actress goes against her own country to plan a suicide bombing...and the last part, was just downright funny even with the gore. Really nice dark humour going on, not like anything I've seen before.

The only thing I didn't really like was Brad Pitt's weird accent.

Thanks for reading this far, my dears.

j'ai peur, mais je fais rien
Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 2:02 PM
"I’ve been making a list of the things they don’t teach you at school. they don’t teach you how to love somebody. they don’t teach you how to be famous. they don’t teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. they don’t teach you how to walk away from someone you don’t love any longer. they don’t teach you how to move on when the one you love walks away from you. they don’t teach you how to know what’s going on in someone else’s mind. they don’t teach you what to say to someone who’s dying. they don’t teach you anything worth knowing."

- Neil Gaiman

I skipped school today just to finish my work, so ironic.
And I only did one chem 08 paper, revised energetics and read through a bit of bio. Pathetic as usual. Can't get my motivation to focus and really absorb D: It's so frustrating! grrrr.

I need to breathe think behave like a sponge from now on!

Side note: My oatmeal diet is a flop as well, ever since my mum forced me to eat normal meals last weekend, I think my fat cells immediately started to blow up. Extremely irritating how you spent two weeks trying to lose a tiny bit of weight and then it all hits you back in the face. After promos I'm going to swim three times a week, cut my snacks intake and not eat any rice/stuff with high carbs! I don't believe I can't lose 5 kg.

Please press fast forward
Saturday, September 26, 2009, 12:23 AM

La vie est comme une bol de fraises
Life is like a bowl of strawberries. It looks so sweet but it's actually really sour.

Been meaning to blog for the longest time now...ever since I went to watch Coco Avant Chanel on the 13th. Je trouvais le film tres tres bon (: Serieusement. I think everyone who can appreciate fashion, french culture, loves to think, appreciates good music should watch the film. Audrey
Tautou was magnifique as usual, she goes into character so well (je veux voir Les Fabuleux Destins D'Amelie Poulain encore!) And the music composed by Alexandre Desplat was breathtaking, go and youtube L'abandon, it's my favourite track, the first that appeared in the film. And as usual too, french films always make me think and leaves me with a feeling of satisfaction and the feeling that I've gained something, besides the fact that I get to practice my french.

With promos looming slightly more than one week away, I don't know what to feel. I'm terrified at the prospect of it, actually. I didn't revise anything for GP, didn't memorise any pet topics/vocab, only revised three pathetic topics for bio, my math is still left with differentiation, integration and vectors, econs left with NIA/NID/FP, chem left with energetics, kinetics and equilibria. I have no idea how I'm going to pull through promos, much less do well. And everyday I get home I just tell myself if you want to get a H3 and a MSG of <2,>
voice inside my head that keeps on saying just imagine the feeling of crushing disappointment when you worked hard for nothing.

And then because I don't get enough sleep, I get cranky to my family and then after that I'll feel guilty. My mum is constantly scolding me for dieting...when I only eat oatmeal for one meal a day and for only 2 weeks so far. (I've lost around 1.5kg? I'm not sure though, the weighing scale at home is screwed up like me.) Promos is ruining me, it's screwing me upside down.

I am so scared. I don't want to drown.

Jelly Hearts
Monday, September 07, 2009, 1:12 AM

Mix the crumbles of my thoughts for you
Cos I'm thinking of you in all I do
Beat up a layer of cream cheese
Babe it's you that I miss.

You make me feel happy
You turn me into jelly
Crush me into powder
Boil me in water
For you I'll die hundred times and over;

All the juicy bits of berries,
Cut into hearts,
Each bit is just a little part
Of myself saying "Je t'aime."

Celebrated Addie's bday today...or rather, yesterday since it's past 12AM now already. Haha I'm really glad to see her so happy on her bday, I think she was really shocked to see all of us turn up at her doorstep! :D Special thanks to guenyikkk! For being so sweet to think up of the idea and call her mum and everything! Even Mr Liw turned up haha. I think outside of class, he is really just like another of us, because he loves computer gaming, chips and junk food, niaoing people and trying to matchmake people together. Oh man I really hopes he follows us up to next year!

Tomorrow is the official start of my september holidays...I must really really really work hard! WORK YOUR ASS OFF, GIRL. AND STOP THINKING SO MUCH OF STUPID IMMATERIAL THINGS! I'm becoming like one of those girls that are forever besotted with the idea of love, and that's bad. Laugh at me for all you want, Melly T_T

"It's all a matter of willpower."

And I wonder how many people read my blog, but just refuses to tag and show themselves!